The General Test of English Language Proficiency assess English Language Proficiency
at five different levels of functional ability

How G-TELP Differs from Other English Language Proficiency Tests

The G-TELP system differs significantly from other prominent English language tests in several ways.

1. G-TELP tests are criterion-referenced. Whereas other commonly used tests are norm-referenced, G-TELP proficiency assessment is done according to universally recognized criteria that describe the skills of the examinee in the performance of specific language tasks. In contrast, norm-referenced tests compare the examinee's test scores with those of other examinees. These scores serve as general indicators of language proficiency relative to that of other examinees, but do not provide objective diagnostic information.

2. G-TELP tests provide detailed task-referenced information on the examinee's performance, contained in a profile report that is formative rather than summative. This diagnostic report indicates what individuals can do with the English language, thus making it possible to better ascertain performance levels of competence as well as strengths and weaknesses. This information is invaluable for decision-makers in the industry and for educational purposes.

3. G-TELP Levels 1 to 5 closely approximate a measure of communicative competence in grammar, listening comprehension, reading comprehension, and vocabulary because they utilize real-world, authentic tasks, situations, and materials.

4. G-TELP tests provide a measure of general English language proficiency, instead of focusing on just academic or business contexts as done by tests required exclusively for securing university admission or a position in business.

5. G-TELP tests evaluate the skills of examinees at five different levels of competence. By focusing on a specific level of proficiency, each test achieves more extensive sampling of performance than a single test which assesses multiple levels.